Healthy Kids Day
SAVE THE DATE: APRIL 20, 2024; 12pm-3pm
Rain or Shine
Healthy Kids Day, celebrating 32 years in 2024, is the Y’s national initiative to improve health and well-being for kids and families. The Y hopes to use the day to get more kids moving and learning, creating healthy habits they can continue while they’re away from the classroom. When kids are out of school, they can face hurdles that prevent them from reaching their full potential. Research shows that without access to out-of-school learning activities, kids fall behind academically. Kids also gain weight twice as fast during summer than the school year. Following a year filled with numerous changes and uncertainty, Healthy Kids Day is a reminder to families that we can help ensure all children have access to the key ingredients to reach their full potential, even during out-of-school time.
Looking to get involved in the Y's largest single day event of the year? Become a community partner and sponsor for this year's Health Kids Day.
Become a Community Partner - Pittsfield Branch
Become a Community Partner - Bennington Rec Center
Become a Healthy Kids Day Volunteer
More details to be announced this spring!
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