In Partnership with the SVSU and VSNB, afterschool program at multiple sites in schools and the Sports Center.
**Check back soon for 2024-2025 enrollment information!
BRANCH: Bennington Rec Center
Berkshire Family YMCA’s after-school program in Bennington provides a fun, safe, active experience for your child!
Children receive:
- Afternoon snack
- Homework assistance
- Outdoor & gym activities
- Arts & crafts projects
- Group initiative games
- + More enriching activities
- Currently enrolled families receive the first refusal for next session enrollment, or may opt to release their spot
- Siblings are automatically enrolled if one sibling is selected
- No cost to families for SVSU program
For more information, please contact BFYMCA directly at 802-500-2770 or email Kayla at kbecker@bfymca.org and/or Taylor tmcguire@bfymca.org.
Things to note:
- Days OFF and Vacation weeks are separate programs
- Half-Day Care IS provided following School Calendar
- Abbey Food Group meals
- DuFour bussing
After-School Care Locations:
- Bennington Sports Center, 230 School St, Bennington (Monument, Bennington Elementary, or Molly Stark)
- Pownal Elementary School, 94 Schoolhouse Rd, Pownal
- Shaftsbury Elementary School, 150 Buck Hill Rd, Shaftsbury
*Please note: If program information does not display, you can also access the program information here: https://ops1.operations.daxko.com/Online/2245/ProgramsV2/Home.mvc.