Monday, November 16, 2020
Dear Y family,
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we worked with the City of Pittsfield’s Department of Public Health (DPH) to assess our COVID-19 exposure due to a member of our Pittsfield branch staff testing positive for COVID-19. The staff member last worked on November 9. Pittsfield’s DPH has completed contact tracing. Per DPH guidance, upon learning the onset of symptoms followed their last shift worked, it has been determined by DPH that our Pittsfield branch is safe to reopen to child care and members. The facility has been deep cleaned and sanitized in preparation for reopening Tuesday, November 17.
We take the health and well-being of our families, members, staff, and residents seriously. Our COVID-19 prevention policies continue to be strictly enforced. Given the nature of this relentless virus, we know we are not immune, but we feel confident that we are doing our part in preventing the spread. We are all in this together.
Stay well.
Jessica Rumlow
CEO/Executive Director
Berkshire Family YMCA
Letter to Families and Staff DPH Approved Reopening November 17