30-day notice required to cancel your membership. When canceling, keep in mind that membership dues are charged to your account on the 1st of each month. Example: If you cancel on 10th of the month, a 30-day notice will cancel your membership for the 10th of the following month. You will be responsible to pay for the full month's dues for the 9 days of that following month that your membership was active. The dues are not refunded or prorated. If you rejoin within the first 30 days of the membership being inactive, you will not be charged a join fee.
Please log in to your Daxko account to make a request to cancel your membership: CANCEL MY MEMBERSHIP Once logged into your account, you should see Manage Account near your name, click Manage Account to make your request to cancel. If you don't see Manage Account, then choose My Account from the upper right menu, then choose Manage Account near your name. The request is sent to the Branch Director, then processed. Having trouble logging in to your Daxko account, making the request, or believe you were charged in error? Contact us at your home branch.